Chat roulette - PDA

New topics should only be Created in the root section

If you have uploaded a New version of the program, Please report it to the Moderator by clicking the 'Report' Button in your program directory On message.Android If you have uploaded A new version of the Program, please let the moderator Know by clicking click the 'Report' button in Your messageThis is a chat room Where everyone will find a Companion to their liking. Maybe it's a group Of young people. Maybe lonely, bored, and looking For a guy for a Heartfelt conversation, a girl. Or maybe a guy who Wants to flirt with someone.

You never know who's Going to be next

Yes, it could be anyone. First, it is complete anonymity. You will only be known By the nickname you choose For yourself. There is no need to Register, leave an email address Or phone number. You open the app and Start using it. Secondly, we have a rating system.

Other users can rate You By setting"like" or"dislike".

Based on this data, the System will select a suitable Companion for Your rating. There is also a system For manually monitoring user behavior. For violating the rules, you May be blocked for some Time, or even forever. This should be clear enough. Prohibited display content that violates Ethical norms and laws in All countries of the world. This is especially true for Erotic, extremist, and narcotic content. Temporary files that are displayed In the screenshot can also Be deleted through the file Manager. Using the active slider. Show hidden files.

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