discover interest

A study conducted in the USA, and will cover

Although they say that opposites attract, the reality is the oppositeThe strongest alliances formed by people with similar interests, lifestyle and goals. Even the profession of choice has a value sociologists have long noticed that people are drawn to colleagues and members of related professions. million pairs showed that spouses managers are colleagues, and creative workers prefer to meet with the same creative personalities. The similarity of interests and goals in life an important condition for a happy relationship. Of course, ethnicity and sexual compatibility is also important, but they make the most noticeable impact only at the very beginning of a relationship. And it is not decisive.

We all before the eyes of many examples from the life of stars, even actors and Actresses, regularly ranked in the ratings of the most beautiful people in the world, is not immune from the infidelities and problems in his personal life.

We quickly cease to notice the visual appeal of the partner, and on the foreground there are absolutely other factors: is it interesting to us this man?does he understand us.

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