"How long To keep In touch With a Girl online And still Stay

Unless it's a long-Distance relationship, for example

The very fact that you'Re asking this question is Already a little disturbingIf you had a common Interest, the conversation would go"By itself". And secondly-why do you Need to communicate for a Long time via Internet. Tell me." You can comment on Her new photos and messages In your merchant profile. You don't have to Fill it in with compliments Every time. May I ask, Oh, where You went today."What was she doing there."I was there too, and Something happened to me." If this is a Repost of music, you can Add a track that is Not included in the selection. Dilute it with"How was Your day" or even better, In more detail -" how was The exam Did you go Shopping well today" small stories About yourself or stories."Imagine, I was walking here."It's great if they'Re funny stories.

If you have a similar Sense of humor, don't Hesitate to send her memories.

I think it's great When a person reads smart Books and can laugh at Memes memes are different from Memes, and most importantly-talk More often about what she Is interested in, and if You don't have common Interests, why you need her.

Universal ones there are no Questions, all girls are different, And the approach to them Is also different.

For this reason, I can'T tell you exactly what You should write to her.

Try to get to know Her better, ask questions about Her interests, Hobbies, or anything About her at all. Talk about what interests you And what attracts you. This should work if she'S interested in you, good luck. Petersburg, and one day I Was riding the subway and Saw an incredibly attractive girl In front of me. I hadn't met anyone Purposefully in all my years, And this time I decided Not to either, until I Realized that she was looking At me with undisguised interest. As I drove to the Train station, where I got Off, I feverishly thought about How to meet a woman In the end. Eventually, as I was walking Up the escalator and breathing Down her back like a Maniac, I remembered that I Had a notebook in my backpack. Long story short, I wrote Something there saying that it Would be incredibly awkward for Me to go up to Her and talk to her, As I I've never Done anything like this in My life and therefore am Actually here. I gave her the address Of the bar where I Work and where I am, Which makes sense - you can Always do that by inviting Her there, under the pretext Of something to drink. I didn't write down The phone number, thinking it Was too vulgar, I caught Up with her on the Street, told her something had Fallen out of her pocket And pushed her a folded Piece of paper that actually Had all of the above Written on it, and then Quickly left, anyway, she didn'T show up.

Maybe you have a case Of your own

I won't meet anyone Else that day or the next. Chatter - a conversation on topics Of interest to the interlocutor That are not directly related To the business side of communication. encourage free and sincere statements,"Disclose", and receive a lot Of information, both direct and Indirect, for the analysis of The interlocutor. Underlined information is the part Of the other person's Response that they highlight by Changing their intonation, facial expressions, Gestures, redness, pauses, sighs, etc.Paying attention to to the Interlocutor: a look in the Eye, a tilt in his Direction, a nod, approval of Interjections Yes, Yes, uh-huh, Of course., joining him. Interpretation: an assumption about what Is hidden behind the words Of the interlocutor, which he Does not directly say. And also: from time to Time, you talk about something Similar to what the other Person is telling you, from Your life, from your experience, From your values.

This is called"self-disclosure".

A little: say it briefly, And then ask the other person. As a result, the interviewee Speaks times, but he gets The impression that he has Met a rare, understanding person. influence professionals: professional scammers, good Sales people, negotiators, etc. It is precisely because, by Conducting a dialogue in this Way, Your interlocutor has a Powerful Association that he is In the company of a Close, native person. The easiest and most affordable Option is to write him Something neutral.

From their reactions and reactions, You will know if they Are ready to make contact With You.

Well, in in the process Of communication, find out their Attitude to You and intentions To Find something in common Between you: music, movies, something else. Ask questions to find out.

Most often, I have interesting Stories from real life.

In response, she also told Something of her own, and They found a common language. During the conversation, he clung To something, asked questions, and Then more and more. Complete nonsense. This only works with certain people. If a guy has everything Normal with self-esteem, then He will perceive this"frost" As a lack of interest In himself and limited communication.

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