Modern acquaintances now live in Social networks

Nowadays, I very rarely meet Guys and men who approach And meet girls in the Shopping center and on the streetsWas it years ago, when The guys and I met Girls on a bet, and Then measured the number of Phone numbers taken by new beauties. If you are interested in The secrets of Dating that We used with the guys, Then read this article to The end. If you are familiar with Tinder and Insta, then also Read it, it will be useful. First of all, remember that You are a complete stranger To her at the time Of meeting her. And, in addition, the girl, While in the shopping center In the center, on the Street, or in a public Place, she may be quite Deep in her own thoughts.

Approach the girl only when You catch a glimpse of her.

The consequence is that you Have already made contact, and She appreciates you if you Approach a girl from behind Or suddenly jump out from Around a corner, it will Frighten her. Fear in cases is a Refusal to meet with a Smile and a kind look Of any girl at herself. The smile should not be Strained, but should come from The solar plexus, from the Eyes, try not to violate The girl's personal space. The intimate area of all People is different in size, But it is approximately equal To the distance of an Outstretched arm. You can not approach to Get acquainted directly"head-on".

Psychologically, this is negatively perceived And repels.

It is perceived as a Hit-and-run. Try to approach and get Acquainted at an angle and In the field of view. If the girl is sitting At the bus stop or On the bench, it is Better to sit instead of Approaching and hovering over her When the girl is in A hurry to do something And doesn't notice anything, Don't try to stop Her abruptly or, even worse, Block her way. This causes the negative.

So pay close attention to The approach

Remember that we are all Busy from time to time, Let go of the situation And move on When you Have to catch up with A girl, you should not Start talking to her from Behind or as soon as You catch up with her. Walk past her for half A step and approach her For a few seconds, looking At her with a smile. And when she pays attention To you, then start talking. Good posture is a symbol Of relaxation and self-confidence. Approach it straight and confidently, Stand up straight, straighten your Shoulders, do not put your Hands in your pockets, do Not pick your nose and You will be happy. Clothing should be clean, neat And, if possible, comply with The style. Do not approach to meet In sweatpants with outstretched knees Or in a jacket with Greasy sleeves and a katashka, It is repulsive.

No one wants to meet A worn-out man.

Create one a good impression Of yourself. I'm not sure if It's a good idea To have a good time, Sleep with a girl, or Have a long-term relationship, But these tips will definitely Help you get to know Any girl.

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