How to Get acquainted With Thai Culture and Whether it'S

Regularly go somewhere and look around

It's not about getting To know each other in A bar when a Thai Woman spends the night in A tourist hotel and leaves In the morning with money

Talking about a serious acquaintance For the sake of something serious.

In General, getting to know Thai while staying in Thailand And learning a little Thai Is quite simple.

In the same cafes in Shopping centers, very often cute Students earn extra money. Once you've noticed yourself, As long as you don'T act like an mduck, There won't be any Problems getting to know each other. An option for those who Come to Thailand for a Vacation on international Dating sites. In all other cases, a Decent self-respecting Thai girl Will be shy of such A vacationer. they know what fame Thais Have abroad, and they don'T want to be a Girl for a Cup of rice. Once I got lost in Bangkok, couldn't find a Subway station, and went to See the first girls I saw. I'll tell you right Away that we just had A nice chat in the cafe. For a more predictable result, Register in advance on a Dating site, spend money on A paid account, plan where You are going, meet and communicate. Upon arrival, you will be Able to chat with all Interested girls. At least you'll have A great time. Of course, you'll have To filter out a lot Of suggestions to have a Nice night out, but there Are still plenty of options. Yes, and Thai women are Much bolder in terms of Dating, they do not hesitate To write first. On international Dating sites first Hello. Asian women write more often Than men. And there are really a Lot of beautiful and good Girls there. For example, if if you Walk around Bangkok shopping and Office centers, then you will Understand what, or rather from Whom, to lose your head.

As a result, I never Made it to the subway

The more confident a girl Is, the higher her requirements For a man. It would be naive to Think that a girl with A College degree and a Good job would be willing To meet someone who is Not at her level. For example, about higher education: Studying at a good Thai University costs up to million rubles. baht per year, which is Million over five years.

baht for the money that We understand, this is thousand rubles.

five beautiful furnished apartments in A condominium in Pattaya.

With such an education, she Will find a good job With a salary of thousand rubles. per month, which is very Good for Thailand. This is if she does Not decide to go to Work in China, Japan or Australia, where Thai University degrees Are highly valued. It is logical that it Will be on its own, And the requirements for the Selected one will be met.

On the one hand, Thai Girls from high society not Only like to show off, But also much more simpler Behavior than ours.

For example, a girl in An Audi R sports car Might stop at a street Vendor and buy a couple Of fried squid sprigs. I've seen it myself More than once. On the other hand, Thai Society is rigidly divided into Layers: everyone knows their place. And no one wants or Wants to lower this level.

But bonuses include a good Education, at least a good Knowledge of English, modern views On the world and often Very attractive appearance, including with The help of well-known Thai medicine.

Well, whether you should meet A Thai woman with a Very complex or more simple One, since now we are Not talking about fleeting night Stands, you should first think: You need her, and if You need her, then why. Are you ready not only For a serious relationship, but Also for a lot of Hemorrhoids with overcoming cross-cultural barriers. And before you answer: Yes. But how good do you Think it is. After all, if a Thai Woman is looking for Dating With the condition of moving To another country ready to Move to another country, most Often not from a good life.

Probably, she already has enough Difficulties, including the charms of Marriage with a Thai, as Well as the subsequent divorce, It is not necessary to Give her another unfulfilled fairy Tale with a certain bummer In the end.

If you don't think A short introduction is a Pleasant conversation, then you should Understand that the difference in Cultures is huge. It will be difficult, we Do everything differently-from global Things to food and everyday habits. Whether it's worth it, Everyone decides for themselves. First of all, you should Be interested in all these adventures. Well, don't expect to Get a meek maid Oh, It's definitely not a Trip with a Taiki.

Whether the result is worth It for sure or for sure.

Who knows, maybe after getting Acquainted with Taika, you will See many advantages for yourself, If at all you will Retain the ability to soberly Assess the surrounding reality. For the sake of interest, Visit Bangkok and look for A mixed couple he is European, she is Thai who I came to Thailand for A visit. There are really quite a Few such pairs.

Probably, it's not just Like that.

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