How to Meet a Guy: proven Tips for A wide Variety of Killer

Inactivity is not the fastest Way to a relationship

These tips will help even The most shy girls to Start Dating and attract the Attention of the guy they likeEven if you want the Initiative to belong to a Man, you can gently push Him to do so. You can get to know Each other under a variety Of circumstances, rather than just Sluggishly sipping a cocktail at A bar.

First, try to understand what Kind of partner you need, And based on this, choose A place to meet.

You want to meet an intellectual. Go to an exhibition or lecture.

You dream of becoming an athlete.

Take a closer look at The people who visit your Gym, who you often meet On the run. In General, pay attention to Places that you often visit. Most likely, there are also Men with whom you have In common interests. It is not superfluous to Think about the skills that You have long wanted to master. There are also a sufficient Number of suitable candidates in Language schools or DJ courses. Another option is to look For places with a large Crowd of men where you Will stand out. For example, visit a sports Competition, a car dealership, or Just the tool Department in A hypermarket. There you are unlikely to Be ignored. Do not forget about bars And cafes. But instead of going to A new place every time, Try to choose one of Them and visit it regularly. In a familiar, comfortable environment, It's easier to meet New people. And the glee of the Bartenders about your appearance will Certainly turn all eyes in Your direction.

Use the following tips to Increase the likelihood of Dating

Do not frighten strangers with The look of your laughing Friends, and especially male friends. Train on solo walks or Even trips, trips to cultural Events, or coffee shops. Just don't try to Replace this temporary lack of Communication with listening to music With headphones or by constantly Checking your smartphone. Let others know that you Are single and don't Wait for a belated boyfriend To show up. If you want to get Acquainted, forget about the mask Of cold and indifference.

It repels, not attracts.

Also, you should not use All the features of facial expressions. In order to show interest, Usually just one glance and A slight smile is enough.

This does not mean that You urgently need to leave The wardrobe in the shortest And brightest.

Hot-tempered sexuality is more Likely to indicate despair and Bad taste of the girl, Than about the readiness for A normal relationship.

It is better to bet On simple but stylish clothing Solutions the main ideas can Be found in this article And choose the right makeup And hairstyle this and this Article will help.

And needless to say, you Need to look good everywhere And always, if possible. A well-groomed and neat Appearance is at least a Sign of politeness towards yourself And others. The time of full Patriarchy Has already passed, but total Feminism is still far away. However, a woman who takes The lead in a relationship Is unlikely to be stoned.

The list below contains ideas For the first step that Any girl can safely take.

You don't have to Express your interest openly. You can get acquainted with The help of various tricks. For example, you can approach A man in a cafe And tell him that you Lost an argument with a Friend and, according to the Terms of the bet, you Must take a phone number. Or say a joke out Loud, then turn around and Apologize, saying you thought you Were talking to someone you knew. Of course, this method requires Certain acting skills. But a light adrenaline rush Is guaranteed. You can attract a person'S attention in the most Innocent way possible.

Either ask for directions, grab Something from the top shelf In the store, or just Keep the door open.

The main thing is not To become a problem woman Who constantly needs the help Of a strong man. Not everyone likes the role Of the father-Savior. Men they love attention just As much as women do. Especially if this attention flatters Their horizons and intelligence. Take advantage of this small Weakness to defeat a strange guy. For example, ask a good Colleague a professional question or Ask them to explain a Grammar rule to a stranger In a language course.

Everyone likes to be praised.

Men are no exception. At the same time, you Don't need to sing Praises of your appearance or masculinity. You can talk flatteringly about A stranger speaking at a Conference or open-MIC event. Or approach a cute dog Lover in the Park and Compliment his four-legged friend. Having your own dog is Also a good idea: animals Can easily gather strangers together.

Tired of role-playing games And waiting for the weather By the sea.

Just tell the person you Like that you're interested In them. Another option is to approach A stranger in a cafe And ask if you can Sit at his table. Someone will say that a Person wants to be he Is a hunter and does Not need"easy prey". Someone who knows that this Behavior can be intimidating and alienating. But the question is, do You want to be the Prey and be around a Man who doesn't accept A woman's initiative. The truth is that men, Like women, are different from Each other and want different things. But men, like women, are Often similar: they are also Afraid of being rejected, and Also dream that a new Interesting person will appear in Their life. It's great if the Desire of two single people Coincides, and it doesn't Matter who took the first Step towards it.

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