Online Dating site.

A successful and financially secure Woman wants to meet You

Round-the-world trips across The oceans, expensive gifts, presence Among rich VIPs, going out With a famous rich man, From which the usual the Girl refusesIt is no secret that Achieving success alone, finding a Decent job and real financial Well-being is a big Problem in modern conditions, and This situation applies not only To women, but also to men. In this regard, young, beautiful And ambitious girls are trying To find a rich and Successful dad who can fulfill All their wishes and give Them real happiness.

A rich girl will find A lover or meet a friend

The So-called papik sponsor Does not mind financially supporting His lady, receiving a significant Reward for warmth, affection, feminine Care and constant presence in Difficult times. Sponsored By Mamik.

Such ads are not uncommon On the Internet.

Today, many financially independent women Offer friendship or family relationships To men who are looking For work. they have an attractive appearance, Are developed intellectually, and can Make another person happy, but They don't have a Financial condition.

This once again proves that For a person, money in Life is not the basis, And without the proper attention Of the opposite sex, it Does not have the same Power and joy.

This desire of modern ladies Is fully justified and understandable.

The dynamic sphere of a Businesswoman's activity is so Dense that she doesn't Have time to find a Desirable companion and go on Dates that don't guarantee That something will come out Of her and an honest Relationship will begin. That is why the so-Called sponsor Mamik offers its Financial security in exchange for Warmth, affection and male attention, Which any girl needs so much. Men who live at the Expense of their loved one Are no longer news, but An established cell of modern society. These characters are called alphabets, And people have different opinions About this. The reasons are always different, Some are close to the Truth, and others do not Correspond to reality at all. Why do such relationships occur In modern environment, and how It happens in practice. The fact is that a Significant part of women is Not at all limited to Running their own household and Banal raising of children. Many representatives of the fair Sex have become completely independent Individuals, independent of the stronger Sex in financial and material terms. They have a University degree Sometimes several, read books, do Business, climb the career ladder In politics, appear in films, And engage in other activities. In this regard, a completely New phenomenon has appeared: men Who have lost their social Status and are completely dependent On their ladies. The woman being held. Questions of femininity in the Life of each girl aroused Not only an attractive interest, But also some controversy. Increasingly, beautiful ladies hear the Phrase"you are a kept Woman" in their direction. For some, these words may Seem offensive, but someone is Clearly proud of it and Creates entire societies to discuss this. So, who is she, this Sweet and mysterious kept woman, And why is she called So, and not otherwise. Is it good to wear Such a status, or is It better to hide it From public opinion. How to embark on this Difficult path, and what are The benefits for the beautiful Half of humanity. The site of women saved Implies the search and publication Of questionnaires by cities, districts And subways of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities Of the Russian Federation, as Well as by countries of Domain zones Placed ads are Designed to search for a Sponsor, saved woman or Alphonse. Any user can post the Questionnaire for free or view It without registration. Many people mistakenly believe that Stored women are expensive prostitutes In St. Petersburg and Moscow. We are forced to disappoint You, the kept woman is Not an elite prostitute. Gogols and kept women do Not receive money for providing Sex services, and sponsors do Not pay for sex either For an hour or for A night. Let's make some changes. A prostitute receives money from The client for the sexual Services provided. The woman being held doesn'T get paid for sex, Unlike a whore who can Be paid for an hour Or a night, the woman Being held needs support. The woman who is being Held is the mistress of Rich sponsors who do not Have time for a personal life. From the woman they keep, They receive warmth and love, Love and understanding. First of all, a kept Woman is a mistress of A model appearance, conquering a Man with beauty or charisma, Who will support her, and When she goes out on The street, emphasizes the status Of a man. The sponsor fully provides for The Alphonse or kept woman, Ranging from housing, a car, And ending with finances for Visiting spas and minor expenses. Well-groomed women and Gigolos Are a great way to Find the person of your Dreams who will not only Be your friend, but also Your husband, wife and sponsor. Today, having a girlfriend, wife, Or husband doesn't guarantee That a couple will be Happy and get a job. maximum enjoyment from living together. There are responsibilities, common problems, And criticism drowning in anger And hatred. To fix such costs, smart People look for a place Where women are kept, where There are a huge number Of direct offers for cohabitation, And it's not about responsibility. When users on our site Leave questionnaires with phone numbers, They are not looking for A second girlfriend or wife, But a full-fledged friend, Hostess, and just a person With whom it will be Pleasant to spend time. When a person says that I am looking for a Sponsor, he means complete freedom Of relations, in which there Is no everyday garbage and misunderstandings. Similarly, if a man says That I am looking for A kept woman, then for Him the second half will Be solely for pleasure. A joint vacation abroad, fully Paid studies, shopping, things, services - This is not the life You dreamed of. Modern male sponsors are real Gentlemen who want to receive Affection, warmth and peace in Their homes. reward for your support.

In this case, we are Not talking about prostitution, because Both partners sign up for A mutually beneficial relationship in absentia.

Female sponsors are no less Generous with men who are Simply unlucky with their wealth, While they have charisma, a Great sense of humor, and Unusual fantasies.

In fact, they are the Perfect mistresses, ready to always Be with you and follow Your desires.

When a sponsor and a Supported woman live together, they Don't bother with everyday Tasks who will wash the Dishes, why things are scattered, Who will go to the Store or pick up the Children from school, but simply Enjoy the sweet life. They travel around the world Together, go to restaurants and Have fun in the best Places in the city. The girl, who is always Kept, takes care of herself, Spends a lot of time On her beauty and does Everything so that her man Admires the unearthly beauty of His sweet chosen one. It is enough to withstand Daily accusations of homework, because The sponsors of our site They can change your life In a matter of days, Or even hours. If you need women or Gigolos, then you are in The right place. Alphonse's international database of Stored sponsors on our website Will help you find the Person of your dreams that You can meet today. Stop drowning in illusions and Rush to find a Prince On a white horse waiting For you in the restaurant, Because we have collected all The best on our website And are ready to provide You with open communication with People you like. To start effective communication, it Is not enough just to Say that I am looking For a sponsor, I am Looking for an alpha, or I am looking for a Kept woman. To get started, our website Alfonsov will offer you to Create a questionnaire and fill Out personal information. Of course, creating a profile Is not necessary, but it Will increase the level of Trust and speed of finding A loved one. Come, chat, fall in love, Call, get acquainted and be Happy, because you are waiting For male and female sponsors From all over the world. Kept Vumen Website international Dating Site for saving sponsored women And Gigolos.

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